Category Archives: News

Breakthrough in Ethereum Coming Soon

First the bad news. The bloodbath continues in the land of Ethereum tokens: This is not a surprise to anybody willing to look at the state of the Ethereum network. It has been running at full capacity for months, and as a result, gas prices are ridiculously expensive: I need to explain this chart to you. The price of… Read More »

Uniswap Has Made Me A Believer in Santa Claus Again

Uniswap is a decentralized Ethereum token exchange. It is also the hottest thing going in crypto. I have written stories about Uniswap here, here, and here. To research on those stories, last month I dumped two Ether into an Ethereum wallet conducted two trades. One trade is break-even. I’m down on the other trade. However, this is the… Read More »

The Invasion of America (Or: How-To Bypass US Securities Regulations)

Running a cryptocurrency derivative exchange can be profitable. Running an offshore cryptocurrency derivative exchange, not subject to any type of government regulation, can be insanely profitable. But there is one problem. The US government takes a very dim view of their citizens patronizing these offshore crypto-derivative exchanges.Bitmex (offers bitcoin futures, Deribit (bitcoin options) and Biffinex (known for Tether) all… Read More »

Why DeFi Took Off (And Who is Profiting)

Yesterday, the (YFI) token was worth a little less than THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND US DOLLARS. Here is a screen snapshot from if you don’t believe me: It’s beyond the scope of this article to explain exactly what the token is…. Or what it represents. The developers of the token don’t even have their own website but they were nice enough… Read More »