Category Archives: News

I’m Not Crazy, You’re Crazy

Going big into crypto in the spring of 2017 was an easy decision, as we were dying elsewhere Our big meal ticket, the oil and gas sector, had gone dry back in 2014 when the Saudi sheiks decided to start a price war and put the American shale producers out of business. There were no other good choices.… Read More »

Dark Money in The CryptoUniverse (Again)

In July 2017 I wrote an article about dark money and crypto. Three years later, not much has changed, except the numbers have gotten bigger. “Dark matter roughly makes up 80% of the universe. Or so the physicists say. We know – or think – dark matter exists because the galaxies stick together when there is not enough observable matter to… Read More »

Bulls Get Fed, Bears Get Fed, Pigs Get Slaughtered

A liquidation spike, or death spike, last Wednesday, put thousands, if not tens of thousands of crypto-investors back to zero. Hard to see, but in the black box, there is a thin red line where the price of bitcoin goes down to $28700 USD for less than five minutes. Only 12 hours before, bitcoin was trading at $46K,… Read More »