Category Archives: News

Forget Bitcoin and Ethereum, We Need Fast and Cheap Blockchains

Last month I sold half my bitcoin and Ethereum. This month I sold most of what I had left. Unless something dramatic or unexpected happens, I don’t think I will buy back in for the next six months. For now, the future belongs to the cheap fast blockchains that will underpin the first iteration of the metaverse. Blockchains… Read More »

So Many Alarm Bells Ringing, I’m Going Deaf

I have linked to an excellent summary below of what happened in the bond market last week: if you don’t have the time or the patience to read through it, here is the 5-second summary. The bond market collapsed The stock market is the slow kid in the room, meaning, as the bond market goes, so goes… Read More »

2021: The Year Things Got Weird

The wife and I went out for a walk yesterday and said hello to Harold, one of our neighbours, who was shoveling the sidewalk. After the usual chit-chat about the kids, he asked THE question. “Hey, how is that crypto working for you?” he asked me. “Are you still into bitcoin mining?” “No, not really,” I said. “Right… Read More »

It’s Not About How Smart You Are

Take the smartest financial analyst in the room, feed him or her a bunch of bad information, and they will lose money. It’s not about how smart you are, it’s what you know and when you know it. In the financial world, they are a lot of very smart people looking at the screen trying to figure out… Read More »

The Only Advantage the Little Guy Has Over the Whales

Exit liquidity. But before I explain further, let’s go over the advantages that big institutions have over the retail traders. The two big ones are early access to deals and to information. Early access deals mean private financings, or the chance to buy stock/coins/tokens in a private sale before they are offered to the public. Let me translate:… Read More »

Predicting the Price of Bitcoin Just Got a Lot Harder

For ten years, the chart of bitcoin was very easy to read. A very patient investor could sit back and check the calendar as to when bitcoin would take another jump in price. This is a logarithmic chart of the price of bitcoin since 2011. You will notice that during certain intervals, bitcoin breaks the logarithmic path and peaks somewhat,… Read More »